Tuesday, July 29, 2008

IDDS Charcoal Burn

As long as we're having a fire, we might as well have some s'mores.

Vegetarian Sausage Alien!

Amy Smith pioneers egg on a skewer.

It worked! And tasted great!

Sorting out and weighing carbonized corn cobs is a dirty job.

The Charcoal Crushing group I am working in needed more charcoal to crush, so we woke up early this morning to do an 8am burn [I'll have to explain the process later]. The day was mostly a work day, and we got a lot accomplished in preparing for design modifications. Also of note was a luncheon hosted by MIT PSC (Public Service Center), where they had organizers act as facilitators to get feedback from participants on how PSC might improve in the future. From supporting students going abroad, to what students should expect to put in and get out of such endeavors. It resulted in some very good conversation. The group I was in started talking about the need for design and skills of students to be applied locally as well as abroad (and indeed, much of what MIT PSC does is in the local Cambridge area). We did agree on the catalytic effect of students going abroad, the spark it sets off in both the student and visiting community that we as individuals have power to make change. 

There was also a wonderful dinner where participants shared photos, artifacts, stories and jokes from their cultures. It was a good way to hear from people who I haven't had the chance to talk to on a more individual basis. In combination with the lunch earlier in the day, it reminded me of the value IDDS has in being a month long summit to allow individuals of different backgrounds to really get to know each other (and even this is just a glimpse).

Grudge match before a late night of ultimate frisbee.

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