Saturday, July 4, 2009


Ghana has been amazing so far. Everyone is very kind, and whenever I walk anywhere, I stop and talk to at least ten people. The weather fluctuates between hot summer days and sudden heavy downpours. Building up to the rain, is a heave and muggy humidity that breaks with cool refreshing breezes only minutes before everything is saturated with wetness and wind. After which, cool air comes off the freshly watered ground. This makes for beautiful mornings that energize and inspire one to start the day.

While in Kumasi, I (and fellow IDDS organizers and participants) will be staying at the Tek Credit Union Hostel on the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology campus. It's a very large and seemingly diverse campus, with an interesting Ceramics program that I need to check out before leaving in two months. Getting ready for IDDS 2009 has been a non stop enjoyable job. From going into downtown Kumasi, to walking up and down five floors searching for a particular team member, or walking around the entire KNUST campus looking for an internet card.

I would love to upload some video of the place, because it describes so much. Unfortunately, the internet connection is too slow to accommodate video, so it shall have to wait until I return stateside. Until then, I have uploaded photos on my flickr account.

Also, check out the IDDS website, and Niall's blog documenting everyday of the summit with beautiful prose.

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